
Friday, October 7, 2011


It took about 20 days of lack of motivation, sweeps week, and Huynh cramping (since he is responsible for the actual wreath wrapping that takes a lot longer than one would suspect) but we finally finished the UT wreath!

And I'm left with two options.

I like the simplicity of sans-words; Huynh likes our school spirit loud and proud. Yes, it took a rather long time to wrap those letters and we should show them off but is it too much? Is just a longhorn and state too little?

Regardless, this project is really easy. We picked up burnt orange yarn and a wreath form from Hobby Lobby and the cookie cutters came from Sur La Table. We already had the white yarn since, ya know, we've become quite the pros at this type of wreath. Then, you wrap.

We found that it's much easier to tie the cookie cutters on the wreath of you string the wreath color yarn through the backside of the cutter while you are wrapping. This tie then blends in with the wreath itself making everyone none the wiser as to how they are attached to the wreath. 

I don't know... he might have me convinced that full blown is the way to go.

Frankly, I'm just glad to be done... and just in time for UT/OU weekend (we are planning on trying PW's beef tenderloin!). 

So, what else have we done to the door?
Do you like marking things off a list as done? Because I sure do.

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