Good weekend. Friday, we hit up BRC for a beer and appetizers - those were deviled eggs with maple bacon topped with fried oysters. Delish. Afterwards, we went to Kung Fu Saloon to race cars then to Torchy's to meet up the girls for tacos. Phew! We also went to see The Vow. Jury is still out.
Needless to say, we needed to workout the next day.
Saturday night, we had some friends and family over for oysters and crawfish - a run to the grocery store was warranted. I was overwhelmed by the site of all that spicy sriracha so to make up for it, my honey bought me an "I love you" balloon. Yup, it was attached to the shopping cart the entire trip. He was easy to spot.
Huynh made garlic butter to dip the oysters into. Paula Deen would be proud.
Sunday, I went to Arne's - we have a cupcake stand in the running, though it maybe cheaper just to make one! Then stayed up late watching the Grammy's. Ridiculously good this year.
I have a serious case of the Mondays. Thank goodness for Girl Scout Cookies :). Have a good one!
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